What to Expect Before and After Your Breast Augmentation

Posted on May 21,2018 By Dr. Y Anthony Nakamura

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Breast augmentations are one of the most popular procedures at Accent On You. Naturally, we receive many questions about what to expect before and after the procedure.

What to Expect During the Consultation

The first consultation at our office is free. It is an opportunity to determine whether or not the procedure is right for you and get answers to all of your questions. At Accent On You there is no dumb question, and we encourage you to ask any and all questions so you are comfortable and confident in making your decision about breast augmentation surgery.

During your consultation Dr. Y. Anthony Nakamura will talk with you about your expectations. The procedure process will be explained to you in full detail along with possible risks and the details regarding recovery. We will also discuss financing options and the cost of your breast augmentation.. After your chat, we will show you around our office to ensure you are as comfortable with your surroundings and our staff as possible.

At the end of the consultation you will be presented with information regarding next steps and you can choose to make your surgery appointment or call back after you’ve had a change to properly review your calendar and pick the ideal time for you and your family.

What to Expect During Recovery

Your first post-op checkup will be scheduled before you leave the office. After surgery there is no paperwork to worry about so your main focus will be on recovery. The caregiver you have chosen (typically a spouse, family member, coworker or friend) must be present on surgery day to drive you home.

While you spend an hour in the recovery room, your caregiver will be receiving important instructions on how to provide care until your first follow-up appointment. You may go home after being released from the recovery room. Your first checkup will take place a week after the operation.

Throughout the recovery process you will have multiple post-operative checkups. These appointments are important and can help you understand when you can return to work as well as other activities that make up your daily routine, like exercising, lifting and walking the dog.

Step One: Schedule the Consultation

The first step is to schedule a consultation. It’s easy, and it’s free. We invite you to contact our us at Accent On You today. Dr. Nakamura is one of the only board certified plastic surgeons in Dallas Fort Worth and we proudly service the Arlington and Dallas Fort Worth areas as well as other surrounding communities.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at  |  + posts

Dr. Y. Anthony Nakamura is a recognized expert in plastic surgery and body contouring, providing excellent care while taking a personal approach with each and every patient.

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