Medi-Spa in Arlington – Hair Removal: Why Winter is the Perfect Time to Get Smooth Legs

Posted on Apr 25,2014 By Dr. Y Anthony Nakamura

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Laser Hair Removal in Dallas Fort Worth, TX

As you walk around in your cute leggings, jeans or yoga pants, the need for smooth legs may be far from your mind. Sexy, smooth legs are only necessary in the summer, right? Ironically, though your beautiful legs are currently hidden from the world, the winter season is the perfect time to achieve smooth legs. At Accent on You, our medi-spa in Arlington, we understand the importance to feel confident in your skin for every season. An overwhelming amount of people choose to have hair removal for several reasons. For example, you can save money on hair removal products, decrease grooming time, avoid ingrown hairs and enjoy feeling a sexy, smooth you all year around. Now that you have decided that hair removal is the optimal aesthetic choice for your skin, let’s take a deeper dive and discover why winter is the perfect time to get those sexy, smooth legs.

Top Reasons for a Sexy, Smooth Winter

  • Laser hair removal demands you to refrain from sun exposure and tanning 4-6 weeks before and after the treatments. You will need ample time to prepare and recover from the hair removal process before you can flaunt your new, sexy, smooth legs.
  • The laser is able to detect your hair follicles much easier when the pigment between your skin and hair is different. In the summer time, your hair often becomes lighter due to the sun while your skin gets darker. In other words, the lack of sun can allow the laser to better detect the dark, hair follicles on fair skin.
  • Start your treatment today and be ready to strap on the bikini, wear shorts or skirts before the Texas heat arrives. We all know it is coming soon and when the heat hits, it is relentless and we all say farewell to our cute, denim “hair-covering” jeans.
  • Eliminate the bumps and cuts that occur during the winter due to “goose bump” skin while shaving. No one enjoys the battle of trying to warm up legs long enough to shave them in order to dodge the cuts and other unattractive consequences of the razor.

If you are interested in hair removal, do not delay but take advantage of the winter season to get your legs in gear. Accent on You, a medi-spa in Arlington, will be more than happy to help you achieve your aesthetic goals with sexy, smooth legs. Simply, visit Accent on You’s medi-spa in Arlington or give us a call at 817-417-7300 to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at  |  + posts

Dr. Y. Anthony Nakamura is a recognized expert in plastic surgery and body contouring, providing excellent care while taking a personal approach with each and every patient.

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