All About Micro-Needling With Eclipse Micropen

Posted on Sep 09,2014 By Dr. Y Anthony Nakamura

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MicroPen Treatment by Eclipse in Dallas Fort Worth, TXThe signs of aging, acne scarring, and other textural problems you may be facing with your skin can be no more when you come to see us about our micro-needling with the Eclipse micropen. These skin concerns can affect people of any age, and they can leave your skin lacking the complexion and smoothness you so desperately want. The micro-needling treatments we offer at Accent on You can help you to take control of the look of your skin by diminishing and eliminating these skin concerns, and the results can start to be dramatically seen starting around 30 days post treatment.

In order to understand how the Eclipse micropen works, one must first understand the device itself. The Eclipse micropen is a small micro-needling device used by professional aestheticians world-wide, and it uses very small surgical grade micro-needle tips to reach deeper in to the skin for better penetration and results. Patients also typically find that the Eclipse is far more comfortable than lasers or dermal rollers, as the speed and depth of the micro-needles can be adjusted easily by the professional using the tool, causing many patients to report that the sensation is more similar to a fine grade sandpaper rather than a micro-needle.

The first step in an Eclipse micro-needling treatment is the application of a topical gel to cleanse the skin and prepare it for the treatment to come. This gel also allows the micropen to better glide across the skin and deliver a more comfortable experience. Once the gel is applied, your Accent on You professional will then adjust the settings on the pen to cater to your specific micro-needling and comfort needs, allowing you to have the most appropriate treatment for the skin concerns you’re looking to treat.

Once the micropen is placed on the skin, many tiny channels will be created to prompt the natural healing process that your skin uses to rejuvenate and replenish itself, causing the treatment to begin working immediately. After the treatment is complete, you’ll be left with softer, firmer, more elasticized skin with diminished wrinkles and acne marks as well as a more pleasing complexion.

If you have signs of aging, or signs of past acne, that have been plaguing your skin, our aestheticians are ready to show you the light of the Eclipse micropen and the micro-needling treatments that can get you back the skin you desire. To set up an appointment, simply fill out our Accent on You form and contact us today!

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at  |  + posts

Dr. Y. Anthony Nakamura is a recognized expert in plastic surgery and body contouring, providing excellent care while taking a personal approach with each and every patient.

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