Recovery from Waist Tuck Surgery

As the New Year approaches, you’re likely looking to make a change that could drastically improve your life. If changing your body is one of your New Year’s resolutions, you certainly won’t be alone. But if diet and exercise are no longer helping you achieve your goals, a cosmetic procedure like a waist tuck can be the perfect procedure. It will help you fit into clothes better, make participating in sports and activities easier, and allow you to get closer to your body goals. But what exactly is a waist tuck and what is the recovery process like? Let’s take a look!
What is a Waist Tuck?
A waist tuck is a surgical procedure very similar to a tummy tuck, but it extends the tummy tuck incision to the waist area. From there, excess fat and skin are removed. So not only do you get the strengthened abdominal muscles and skin and fat removal you would see with a tummy tuck, but you’ll also be able to achieve a slimming effect on the waist as well. This means you can remove those love handles or “muffin top” as well.
At the start of the procedure, general or local anesthesia may be administered to ensure your comfort. The whole surgery typically takes a few hours in total.
The best candidates for this procedure are men and women in generally good health who are nonsmokers and with realistic expectations, and women who don’t plan to become pregnant. While fat is removed during the procedure, a waist tuck is not considered a weight loss procedure and shouldn’t be used that way.
Waist Tuck Recovery Tips
While the length of the recovery process can differ from patient to patient, you can generally expect the total recovery time to last at least a few months.
What you can expect during your recovery depends on your unique circumstances, but swelling, bruising, and some discomfort are to be expected. To prepare for your recovery period, here are some tips to take into consideration:
Take Medications as Prescribed
Anyone who’s undergone surgery is more prone to get an infection. Prescribed antibiotics can reduce the risk and ensure you’re staying healthy throughout the recovery process. You may have some discomfort as well. Make sure to take any pain medication as directed.
Wear Your Abdominal Binder as Instructed
We will provide you with a binder or compression garment to help with swelling and circulation in the treatment area. The garment can also help support the waist and abdomen as it heals.
Avoid Exercise for at Least Six Weeks
You will be able to return to work in seven to ten days, but you’ll want to wait at least six weeks before you return to your normal exercise routine. While you initially heal, you’ll want a friend or family member to help you out around the house and run errands.
Schedule a Consultation
Are you ready for a slender, firmer waist and abdomen? A waist tuck can be the perfect solution! At Accent on You, Dr. Nakamura and our team can help you determine if a waist tuck is right for you and build a customized treatment plan that fits your needs. Take the first step today and schedule a consultation. Call our Arlington, TX office at 817-417-7200 or use our online contact form.
Dr. Y. Anthony Nakamura is a recognized expert in plastic surgery and body contouring, providing excellent care while taking a personal approach with each and every patient.
Posted in Waist Tuck