Fall Facials Lead To Fall Freshness

Posted on Nov 18,2014 By Dr. Y Anthony Nakamura

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Facials in Dallas Fort Worth, TXThe changing of the seasons will often come with a changing of the wardrobe or a changing of the look, and this also means it’s the perfect time to embrace this fresh new start with a fall facial. The cool air temperatures that come along with fall can take a great deal out of the skin on your face, but one sure way to lock in your beauty all season is by taking advantage of our facial treatments at Accent on You!

Our deep pore cleansing facial is one facial treatment perfect for fall, and it can help you to clear away the damage that your skin may have seen during the summer months. Sunscreens, moisturizers, and an abundance of rays can leave your skin looking and feeling dull or damaged, but a deep pore facial can help to rejuvenate your skin in a way that sets it up perfectly for fall.

This deep pore cleansing facial uses a variety of European facial techniques such as cleansers, masques, vitamins, and steam to leave your skin completely cleansed, totally rejuvenated, and comfortable moisturized. As the weather begins to grow cold, the air can actually suck the moisture and nutrients from the skin on your face, leaving you with a dull and over-dry looking complexion. The treatments involved in our facials at Accent on You can help you to protect your skin from these seasonal concerns as they simultaneously provide your skin with any nutrients it may have already lost.

Our fall facials are also a perfect opportunity to take in some fall relaxation, as this process is meant to be one that allows you to sit back and simply enjoy. When you arrive at Accent on You for your fall facial, you’ll be changed into a soft robe and laid down in a heated bed with automatic massager. As you feel your tensions begin to melt away, you’ll be given a series of facial treatments to leave your skin feeling as exceptional as the rest of you!

If you’re interested in giving your skin a bit of a boost for fall, and you want the relaxing experience of having a European styled facial, call us today at Accent on You to set up an appointment and get started!

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at  |  + posts

Dr. Y. Anthony Nakamura is a recognized expert in plastic surgery and body contouring, providing excellent care while taking a personal approach with each and every patient.

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