Summer Radiance For Your Skin

Posted on Jul 22,2014 By Dr. Y Anthony Nakamura

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Plastic Surgery in Dallas Fort Worth, TXEveryone always wants to look their best, all the time. In the summer months, however, there can be a greater call for a good skin care regimen for several reasons.

• Outdoor activities like swimming make it more difficult to wear cover-up make-ups.
• Bright sunlight can be more prone to highlight flaws.
• Sweating can cause foundation to run and to clog pores.
• Sun exposure can cause damage that you want to correct before it creates lasting issues.

As the weather turns warmer and brighter, facial skin care is especially important, as many facials can help to revive and rehydrate the skin for lasting beauty.

Treating Your Face To A Vacation

Accent on You has several promotions for the month of July that can help you relax in both body and in mind. Our spa procedures offer a rejuvenating atmosphere with special attention to revitalizing the part of your body that gets the most sun exposure. While most people are quite conscientious about sun block on the body when they are planning to spend a day out, they also forget that even everyday errands and a short walk from the car to the office can allow for direct UV light on the face. Making sure to use moisturizers that contain some sun protection can be a good step in the summer, but a facial will also add hydration and cleansing to the process.

Our Signature Shizen Facial is an ideal procedure for both men and women. The specific application and process can be individually customized. This treatment can add softness to the texture of your skin while actually firming your face for a youthful and invigorated appearance. While your face is being pampered, your body will also receive a heated massage, to further allow the stress to drain away from your features. As a result, you can enjoy a radiant expression and a tension free sense of movement.

The Deep Pore facial can be well suited to a number of skincare needs, including brightening, exfoliating, and evening out the tone. This process will cleanse and nourish your skin, while also addressing specific corrective needs and your unique skin chemistry. By unclogging the pores, your skin can naturally breathe and moisturize more efficiently. This alone will often remedy a number of chronic issues.

More Than Skincare

Treating yourself to a facial can do more than just erase years and unevenness from your face. The relaxing treatments allow your whole body to unwind, and pent up stress along with muscle tension are some of the causes for premature aging. This creates a more lasting effect for your day at the spa, and also gives you the chance to truly honor your inner beauty by making some time for yourself. If you are interested in any of our promotions for July, please feel free to fill out the information form for future promotions, and contact us now to make the most out of unwinding over this summer.

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at  |  + posts

Dr. Y. Anthony Nakamura is a recognized expert in plastic surgery and body contouring, providing excellent care while taking a personal approach with each and every patient.

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